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我的偶像迪丽热巴英语作文 第1篇

A possible version of Yang Lijuan has done nothing but worship and follow her idols for ten years, and even her family has helped her achieve her goals at all costs. Obviously, she has become a crazy fan. As far as I am concerned, many middle school students have their own idols, which is not a bad thing in itself, but the key is: we should do this.

On the one hand, we should focus on our own work first, which is very important for us to have our own career. On the other hand, we are required to do it for our families and families Social responsibility; on the other hand, remember: there is no card game, no game, our idols are famous through hard work and diligence, they have set a good image, as our example, we should learn from them.



我的偶像迪丽热巴英语作文 第2篇

The most important thing is to keep healthy. First of all, if you sleep late at night, you will feel sleepy. The next day you will not work well.

Second, stop eating fast food. You need to have a big breakfast every day. Third, get up early and do some exercise.

When you are free, you can cultivate your interest and take part in some activities after class. If you continue to do so, you will be in good condition state.



我的偶像迪丽热巴英语作文 第3篇

Emma Watson full name Emma Charlotte duel Watson nickname hair brown eyes blond idols Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Goldie horn, John krase love to wear brandkenigap Harvey Nichols, music Brian Adams, Susanna Vega, Dido and Samantha Mumba. _I love all the latest on the radio _Jelly bean taste: sherbert lemon animal sport film Julia Roberts movie (beauty, Notting Hill and other good books (but not the most popular): Ghost toll station and my castle: Emma Charlotte dur Watson: em: blonder:Brown :Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Goldie horn, and John Kress: younger brother [misc]: DKNY, gap, and Harvey Nichols:Bryan Adams Suzanne Vega, Dido and Samantha Mumba _I love all the latest shows on the radio_ jelly bean flavor: sherbert lemon: cat: tennis, hockey and bowler: Julia Roberts movie (beauty, Notting Hill, good book (but not the most popular): Ghost toll station and I occupy the castle.


艾玛·沃森全名艾玛·夏洛特·杜尔·沃森昵称头发棕色眼睛金发偶像朱莉娅·罗伯茨、桑德拉·布洛克、戈尔迪·霍恩、约翰·克莱斯非常喜欢穿着布兰德克尼盖普哈维·尼科尔斯音乐布莱恩·亚当斯、苏珊娜·维加、迪多,还有萨曼莎·蒙巴“我喜欢广播里所有最新的节目”果冻豆口味:雪伯特柠檬动物运动队的电影朱莉娅·罗伯茨电影(美女、诺丁山等好书(但不是最受欢迎的):幽灵收费站和我占领的城堡:艾玛·夏洛特·杜尔·沃森:Em:blonder:Brown:Julia Roberts,Sandra布洛克、戈尔迪·霍恩和约翰·克莱斯:弟弟【Misc】:DKNY、Gap和Harvey Nichols:Bryan Adams、Suzanne Vega、Dido和Samantha Mumba“我喜欢广播里所有最新的节目”果冻豆口味:雪伯特柠檬:猫:网球、曲棍球和圆球手:·罗伯茨电影(美女,诺丁山,好书(但不是最受欢迎的):幽灵收费站和我占领了城堡。

我的偶像迪丽热巴英语作文 第4篇

My idol is Duan Linxi. She is the champion of Hunan Satellite TV. She has a pot cover, a small tooth, and a guitar.

She left a deep impression on me. When she started singing, my heart was completely moved by her. Then she set your goal and swore that they would be as brave as she is.

She comes from Baoshan, Yunnan Province, and comes from Chengdu. Let's see To her efforts, many people on the Internet are controversial, that she should not be the champion, but she proved with practical actions that she is Duan Linxi's most powerful, we love you.



我的偶像迪丽热巴英语作文 第5篇

I met Hussein when his family moved during the partition. Last month in Delhi, I asked about his experience, because I didn't know that the new country would be so hostile, the world we knew would be closed to us for decades, which suffocated me. I couldn't go home, I couldn't return to Delhi, he said.

The invitation to the festival was overwhelming Most ordinary citizens have opened Hussain's doors, and such a journey remains a dream, with lost parents and siblings becoming a fading memory (intizar Hussain on Wednesday and Sunday nights, hundreds of Indian and Pakistani passengers waited on the dark platform next to a bustling train station in Delhi, waiting for the sangjota express. Sangjota is a compromise word in Hindi and Urdu, also known as the friendship express. This Bi weekly train connects Delhi and La and unites thousands of families.

Since the partition, the train is slow. The elderly passengers get on the second train after arriving at the border town Atari Gongli through the Immigration Bureau. Finally, they cross the border for 3 kilometers, and then pass through immigration again A train took them to the San Jota express, kilometers from La.

Four years after the third India Pakistan war, the peace treaty agreed to establish communication and transportation links, the first express train of sangjota crossed the highly militarized border, and the train continued its journey, although two weeks after the hostile Kashmir terrorist attacks on the Indian Parliament throughout the s, the sangjota express stopped.


巴基斯坦小说家因蒂扎尔·侯赛因在分治期间举家迁徙时,我遇到了侯赛因,上个月在德里,我问起他的经历,因为我不知道新的国家会如此敌对,我们所知道的世界将对我们关闭几xx年,这让我窒息,我无法回家,无法返回德里,他说,参加文学节的邀请为绝大多数普通公民打开了侯赛因的大门,这样的旅行仍然是一个梦想,失散的父母和兄弟姐妹成为逐渐消失的记忆(Intizar Hussain在周三和周日晚上,成百上千的印度和巴基斯坦旅客在德里一个熙熙攘攘的火车站边上昏暗的月台上等待桑乔塔快车。桑乔塔是印地语和乌尔都语中的妥协词,也被称为友谊快车,这列每两周一班的火车连接了德里和拉合尔,团结了上千个家庭,分治以来列车缓慢,年迈的旅客经过移民局到达边境城镇阿塔里公里后,他们登上第二列火车,最终穿越边境3公里,再次通过移民,第三列火车将他们带到拉合尔公里处的桑乔塔快车。在第三次印度和巴基斯坦战争后,和平条约同意建立通讯和运输联系xx年后,桑乔塔的首条快车越过高度军事化的边界,火车继续它的旅程,尽管敌对克什米尔在整个世纪年代两个星期后,来自巴基斯坦的袭击了印度议会的桑乔塔快车停了下来。

我的偶像迪丽热巴英语作文 第6篇

In September of this year, song Huiqiao partited in a dance competition in Beijing. She passed the audition of SM Entertainment Company and began to prepare for her modeling career in South Korea. In April, song Huiqiao and Korean singer Lee Junki joined Korean actor Lee Junki as a model for Samsung in a music video.

She appeared in SHINee's music video replay.


今年xx月,宋慧乔在北京参加了一个舞蹈比赛,她通过了SM娱乐公司的试镜,开始为自己在韩国的模特生涯做准备。今年xx月,宋慧乔与韩国歌手李俊基(Lee Junki)在一段音乐视频中与韩国演员李俊基(Lee Junki)一起为三星(Samsung)当模特xx月雨,她出现在Shinee的音乐录影带重播中。

我的偶像迪丽热巴英语作文 第7篇

Fif years ago, at the end of the cold war, many of us wanted to establish a new world order, a world order rooted in human solidarity, a fair, inclusive and effective world order. But today, we are still far from that goal. We may be separated by a wall between the East and the West, but we have not yet built a bridge between the north and the south, the rich and the poor.

Considering our development aid record last year, countries around the world spent more than $1 trillion on armaments, but we contributed less than 10 percent of that amount, just US $100 million, as official development assistance to the developing regions of the world, James Morris, head of the world food program Morris recently told me, _if I could get one percent of the money spent on global armaments, no one in the world would go to bed hungry._ It is not surprising, then, that poverty continues to kill millions of people. In the past decade, there have been millions of armed conflicts in sub Saharan Africa, where the poorest of the poor also take into account our attitude towards the sanctity and value of human life after the terrorist attacks in the United States in September, and we are all deeply saddened by this heinous crime It's natural to be outraged, but today many people don't know that millions of people have lost their lives as a result of the civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, because we have to come to the conclusion that our priorities are skewed and our practices are uneven.


xx年前,冷战结束时,我们许多人都希望建立一个新的世界秩序,建立一个植根于人类团结的世界秩序,一个公平、包容和有效的世界秩序,但今天,我们离这个目标还远着呢,我们可能会在东西方之间隔着墙,但是我们还没有建立南北之间的桥梁,富人和穷人。考虑到我们去年的发展援助记录,世界各国在军备上花费了超过1万亿美元,但我们只贡献了不到这个数额的百分之十,仅仅是亿美元,作为对世界发展中地区的发展援助世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme)的负责人詹姆斯·莫里斯(James Morris)最近告诉我,“如果我能把花在全球军备上的钱的百分之一拿出来,这个世界上就没有人会饿着肚子睡觉了。”那么,贫困继续导致数百万人死亡的冲突也就不足为奇了在过去xx年中,在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲发生了百万起武装冲突,那里的穷人中最贫穷的人也考虑到我们在xx月美国恐怖袭击后对人类生命的神圣性和价值的态度,我们都深感悲痛,并对这一令人发指的罪行表示愤慨,这是理所当然的,但今天许多人不知道,由于刚果共和国的内战,数百万人失去了生命,因为我们要得出这样的结论:我们的优先事项倾斜,我们的做法参差不齐。

我的偶像迪丽热巴英语作文 第8篇

The name of my idol _phelenheim_ comes from the transliteration of the name of Fahrenheit in Germany. It is composed of four different personalities, and the background pattern is composed of boys. It is intended to select four personalities in the four samples that change with the temperature.

It seems to be composed of four seasons: Spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is like a group, with four seasons of warm, hot, cool and cold, The four members are from Canada. Chen Yiru stands for warmth, Wang Dongcheng stands for heat, and Wu Zun represents coolness.

Meng Wei school of Journalism (now Jinmen Institute of English technology and Technology) attended Yan Yalun's representative work _cold is cold_. Almost everyone has a strong force in their hearts, just like its Fahrenheit, four sample boys, Whether it is in the cinema, advertising, star quality and continued popularity means that the pipeline _Fahrenheit, hot summer_.


