
爱语录 60 0

我的爱好作文英语结尾 第1篇

My writing goals: (write down your hobbies) step by step I write: (think about words and expressions) help: movies: comedies, thrillers Music: pop music, classical music musical instruments: guitar, violin, piano Art: painting, painting Sports: basketball, skiing, swimming (step two): (answer these questions) what are your hobbies you Why do you like it when did you start ; what do you do for it ; what are your plans ; why do you like it when did you start learning what did you do for it what are your plans what can you say about the national violin performance award (step three): (write your answer in an article) example: I have many hobbies. My favorite hobby is playing the violin I started playing the violin when I was three years old. I learned to play the violin from my father.

What's interesting is that I often play with my father I play the violin every day when I finish my violin. I want to win prizes for playing it. I took part in many competitions during the holidays.


我的写作目标:(写下你的爱好)我一步一步地写:(思考单词和表达方式) 帮助: 电影:喜剧,惊悚片 音乐:流行音乐,古典音乐 音乐乐器:吉他,小提琴,钢琴 艺术:绘画,绘画 运动:篮球,滑雪,游泳 (第二步):(回答这些问题) 你的爱好是什么你为什么喜欢它 你什么时候开始的 你为它做什么 你有什么计划 你为什么喜欢它 你是什么时候开始学的 你为它做了什么 你有什么打算 你能说些什么国家小提琴演奏奖 (第三步):(把你的答案写进一篇文章里) 例子: 我有很多爱好我最喜欢的爱好是拉小提琴 我xx岁时就开始拉小提琴了我从父亲那里学会了拉小提琴有趣的是我经常和我父亲谈论小提琴 我每天做完小提琴就拉小提琴我的家庭作业我想因为玩它而获奖我在假期里参加了许多比赛。

我的爱好作文英语结尾 第2篇

I have some hobbies that I can spend a lot of spare time to make my life colorful. I like playing basketball. It's very interesting.

It helps me keep healthy. I know that basketball is good for my health. When I was a junior high school student, basketball company made me have a sense of achievement.

For example, we won a basketball game. Today, my friends and I were very happy I hope I can make a lot of friends. I can't live without basketball.

Another hobby is watching TV. For many people, television has become a major source of information and entertainment. Over the past decade, it has provided us with information and entertainment for all kinds of members of the family, and after dinner, we used to get together and turn on our channels.

We love not only the big events in the world, but also the news of sports events, music and games. I even spent the whole night watching TV until I felt tired or there was nothing on the screen. However, some people are worried about the harm that TV does to some people, especially children and agers.

For example, some channels or violence channels are not good for us. We should choose good channels carefully. In addition, I study in school, I have a lot of spare time and hobbies more important, because they make my daily life wonderful and colorful.






我的爱好作文英语结尾 第3篇

My favorite hobbits have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, watching TV, but reading is my favorite hobbit reading, for three reasons: first of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is rich and colorful, without the limitation of time and space. Through reading, I can trace back to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization, which can transform myself Second, reading can give me a new vision in the past few years. Most of my knowledge is obtained from books on science, politics, thought that I have learned from many people.

Third, reading builds a bridge between my dream and my goal, for the future To succeed in my career, I have to keep reading. Thinking and practicing reading have become a part of my life. I spend some time reading books, newspapers and magazines in the evening.

Without a novel, I can hardly go to the steep slope.


